Do You Really Have to Remove That Tree Stump?

After cutting down a tree, there will be the inevitable stump left behind. Whether or not you decide to remove it comes down to a few factors.

Esthetic Reasons – If the stump is simply unsightly for you, then by all means, have it removed. You should probably consider removing it if it’s also in the way of planting a new flower bed or tree, or if it’s a safety hazard. If it’s a nuisance to have to maneuver around when mowing the lawn, this may also be another reason to remove the stump. 

Safety Reasons – If there is decay in the stump it will invite unwanted pests, so you may want to start thinking about getting rid of it. However, these aren’t emergency scenarios that require immediate stump removal.

Another not-so-obvious reason to have the stump removed is if the roots are extending a lot further than you initially thought. This could disrupt the growth of new flowers and bushes you may have planted nearby the stump, but more importantly it could be impacting your home’s foundation or other structures.

When to Leave the Stump Alone – If underground utilities or foundation walls are too close to the stump, it’s too hazardous to try to grind up the stump or remove it yourself. You might also want to leave it alone if there are too many rocks nearby, which will increase the danger of flying debris during the grinding process.

An ISA-certified arborist can help you decide if the tree stump needs to be removed.

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